Friday, May 22, 2009

The following information can also be found on our website

What Is ITF?

Inspire The Fire is currently a monthly newsletter that is delivered via email (e-zine). We have a core group of writers who contribute to the newsletter on a regular basis as well as an open invitation to our readers to send in their own submissions. We welcome all forms of written expression that serve to edify the Body of Christ (poetry, testimonies, articles, drawings, etc.). We also welcome all ages. Our vision is to empower people to step out of their comfort zones and share their faith with others and if that happens at a tender young age, all the more exciting. We have had a great success with our Kids' Edition in the past and look forward to more submissions by our inspiring youth. So send in those submissions. They next article that changes a life may be yours!

It Started On A Porch Swing...

I was at a friend's house for a party with some friends. It was beyond clean up time. All the guests had left except for myself and another friend. As we were heading out the door we became engaged in a conversation with the couple we were visiting. They were sitting on their porch swing and we were caught up in a conversation on our way down the front steps. There were only 2-3 steps and yet it took me what I am sure was a good half hour to finish the decent. And even then I had to force myself way to break away.

What was so captivating? I honestly couldn't tell you what the conversation started like but I can tell you how it ended and even more amazingly, what it felt like. We were talking about God and the energy that transpired between us was undeniable. We commented on how contagious it was when you spent time with people who were on fire for God. We were trying to figure out ways to bring that into our church and not just in those God moments when people are hanging out on front porches or lingering in parking lots. One of my friends said "We need to stoke the fire". And voila! A vision was created.

We decided to start a newsletter called Inspire the Fire. It is designed to be an interactive exchange of people committed to keeping the light of their first love lit. We are committed to creating an atmosphere that welcomes that undeniable energy of God that spreads like wild fire. We have decided to reach out and inspire others and allow them the chance to participate as well. As our list of readers grow, we are expecting our list of writers to grow as well. We are expecting submissions to begin pouring in from across the nation with people daring to touch the lives of others by helping each other to stay encouraged in their walk with God. Proverbs 27:17 says "As iron sharpen iron, so does one man sharpen another."

Let us commit to being those Godly tools used to "Inspire the Fire" in our world today.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Triond Favorites

Kim Waite
Brian Daniel Stankich
Tony Downing
Mary Contrary
Will Gray
Kim Buck
R J Grant
S A Johnson
Rask Balavoine
Terri Lane
Eddie Socko
Liane Schmidt
Heart Stone
Glynis Smy
Karen Gross
Melody Arcamo Lagrimas
Richie Montalbo
Mys Lyke Meeh
Lucas Dié
Geri OHara
Kay Bee
Eunice Tan
Lena Brown
Patrick Bernauw
leena mathew
Bren Parks
Amit Goyal
Timothy Russell
Loreta Dorington
Ruby HawkJoanna
Enzo Silvestri
JK Kristie
The Quail
jamie mullen
PR Mace
Joce Boldi
Darlene Friedrich
david irvine
Loreta Dorington
Adam Henry Sears
Kate Smedley
Maria Blazz
lyndsey buchanan
S M Blomker
Lisa Clayton Williams
Dee Gold
Aldrin Wilding West
Anne McNew

Sunday, May 10, 2009